Der Bar-Kokhba-Aufstand
Peter Schafer
Not Available
Synopse Zur Hekhalot-Literatur
Margarete Schluter and 2 more
Musik Und Gesang in Der Theologie Der Fruhen Judischen Literatur
Karl E Grozinger
Geniza-Fragmente Zur Hekhalot-Literatur
The Revelation of Elchasai
Gerard P Luttikhuizen
Jews, Idumaeans, and Ancient Arabs
Aryeh Kasher
Offenbarungsstimmen Im Antiken Judentum
David J Halperin
Ubersetzung Der Hekhalot-Literatur
Magische Texte Aus Der Kairoer Geniza
Shaul Shaked and 3 more
Peter Schafer and 3 more
Studien Zu Den Fruhjudischen Prophetenlegenden
Clinton E Arnold
Tora Und Leben
Friedrich Avemarie
Die 'Vaterlichen Gesetze'
Bernd Schroder
Mishnah Und Tosefta
Eduard Mörike and 1 more
Magie Und Halakha
Hugo von Hofmannsthal and 1 more
Mystik Und Theologie Des Rabbinischen Judentums
Arnold Goldberg
Irina Wandrey and 4 more
Synopse Zum Talmud Yerushalmi
Mishna Und Sifra
Timo Eskola
Die Grossen Rabbinischen Sammelwerke Palastinas
HansJurgen Becker
Rabbinische Texte Als Gegenstand Der Auslegung
Divine Providence in Philo of Alexandria
Peter Frick
Lutz Doering
Talmudic Reasoning
Leib Moscovitz
Das Griechische "Leben Adams Und Evas"
Richard E Burnett
The Ways That Never Parted
Annette Yoshiho Reed and 1 more
Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis
Walter Ameling
"Das Buch Des Gewandes" Und "Das Buch Des Aufrechten"
James R Harrison
Geniza-Fragmente Zu Avot De-Rabbi Natan
Ulrike Kampf and 3 more
Die Apokalypse Des Mose
Patrick D Miller
Abduktives Denken Und Talmudische Argumentation
Archie T Wright
Avot De-Rabbi Natan
The Jewish-Christian Controversy
Samuel Krauss
Das Priesterverstandnis Des Flavius Josephus
Oliver Gussmann
Sefer Ha-Razim I Und II - Das Buch Der Geheimnisse I Und II
Peter Schafer and 1 more
Die Magie Der Anspielung
Dorothea M Salzer
Sefer Shimmush Tehillim - Buch Vom Magischen Gebrauch Der Psalmen
Bill Rebiger
Judaica Minora
Gunter Stemberger
Toledot Yeshu ("The Life Story of Jesus") Revisited
Peter Schafer and 2 more
Hekhalot Literature in Context
Judaa - Syria Palastina
J Andrew Doole
Tod Und Sterben Im Krieg Bei Josephus
Soren Swoboda
Toledot Yeshu: The Life Story of Jesus
Adina Yoffie and 3 more
Avot De-Rabbi Natan B
Genesis Rabbah in Text and Context
Die Ptolemaische Organisationsform Politeuma
Patrick Sanger
Vergeltungsvorstellungen in Der Tannaitischen Literatur
Francesco Zanella
Jews and Syriac Christians
Simcha Gross and 1 more
A Judeo-Arabic Parody of the Life of Jesus
Miriam Goldstein
Philo of Alexandria
David T Runia
Bill Rebiger and 2 more
Bill Rebiger and 3 more
The Art of Contextualizing Philo of Alexandria
Maren Niehoff
David Noy and 2 more
H Bloedhorn
The Nonverbal Language of Prayer
Uri Ehrlich
Between Rome and Babylon
Aharon Oppenheimer
Rereading the Mishnah
Judith Hauptman
The Dead Sea 'New Jerusalem' Text
Lorenzo DiTommaso
Sages and Commoners in Late Antique 'Erez Israel
Stuart Miller
From Martyr to Mystic
Raanan S Boustan
Creation and Composition
Jeffrey Rubenstein
Silencing the Queen
Tal Ilan
The Architecture of Herod, the Great Builder
Ehud Netzer and 1 more
A Bride without a Blessing
David Brodsky
Heresy and Identity in Late Antiquity
Eduard Iricinschi and 1 more
Birkat haMinim
Yaakov Yanki Teppler
Hebrew Bible, Greek Bible, and Qumran
Emanuel Tov
Herod's Judaea
Samuel Rocca
Antiquity in Antiquity
Gregg Gardner
Lexicon of Jewish Names in Late Antiquity
Tal Ilan and 1 more
Settlement and History in Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine Galilee
Uzi Leibner
Not Reckoned among Nations
Avi Avidov
The Samaritans in Flavius Josephus
Reinhard Pummer
Jewish Identities in Antiquity
Lee I Levine
Elias Bickerman as a Historian of the Jews
Albert Baumgarten
The Talmud in Its Iranian Context
Carol Bakhos
The Significance of Yavneh and Other Essays in Jewish Hellenism
Shaye JD Cohen
Rabbinic Parodies of Jewish and Christian Literature
Holger Michael Zellentin
Divine Revelation and Divine Titles in the Pentateuchal Targumin
Andrew Chester
The Old Testament Apocrypha in the Slavonic Tradition
Marina Swoboda
Jewish Apocalypticism in Late First Century Israel
Matthias Henze
Jewish Travel in Antiquity
Catherine Hezser
On the Question of the "Cessation of Prophecy" in Ancient Judaism
L Stephen Cook
Revelation, Literature, and Community in Late Antiquity
Philippa Townsend
Judaea-Palaestina, Babylon and Rome: Jews in Antiquity
Benjamin Isaac
Ancient Synagogue Seating Capacities
Chad S Spigel
The Land of Israel as a Political Concept in Hasmonean Literature
Doron Mendels
A Prince without a Kingdom
Geoffrey Herman
Between Temple and Torah
Martha Himmelfarb
The Words of Moses
Sarah JK Pearce
The Qumran Rule Texts in Context
Charlotte Hempel
Jewish and Christian Cosmogony in Late Antiquity
Lance Jenott
The Dynasty of the Jewish Patriarchs
Alan Appelbaum
Encounters by the Rivers of Babylon
Uri Gabbay
On the Boundaries of Talmudic Prayer
Yehuda Septimus
Jewish Art in Its Late Antique Context
Building on the Ruins of the Temple
Adam Gregerman
From Adapa to Enoch
Seth L Sanders
Heresy and the Formation of the Rabbinic Community
David M Grossberg
Yahoel and Metatron
Andrei A Orlov
The Talmud - A Personal Take
Daniel Boyarin
Jewish-Christianity and the History of Judaism
Annette Yoshiko Reed
The Mechanics of Providence
Michael D Swartz
Jews and Judaism in the Rabbinic Era
Isaiah M Gafni
Placing Ancient Texts
Mika Ahuvia
Rewriting the Talmud
Marcus Mordecai Schwartz
The Meshalim in the Mekhiltot
Lieve M Teugels and 1 more
On Jews in the Roman World
Ranon Katzoff
Jews and Entertainment in the Ancient World
Loren R Spielman
Toledot Yeshu in Context
Daniel Barbu
The Community Rules from Qumran
Torah, Temple, Land
Jens Schröter
Social History of the Jews in Antiquity
Jonathan BenDov
Jews and Hellenistic Cities in Eretz-Israel
Techniques and Assumptions in Jewish Exegesis before 70 CE
David Instone Brewer
Messiah and Christos
Ithamar Gruenwald
Jewish Women in Greco-Roman Palestine
The 'Descent' to the Chariot
Annelies Kuyt
Tehiyyat Ha-Metim
Harry Sysling
The Social Structure of the Rabbinic Movement in Roman Palestine
The Image of the Jew In Flavius Josephus' Paraphrase of the Bible
Paul Spilsbury
The Jews in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt
The Jewish Manumission Inscriptions of the Bosporus Kingdom
E Leigh Gibson
The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture II
Samaritan Scribes and Manuscripts
Alan D Crown
Jewish Literacy in Roman Palestine
Jewish Worship in Philo von Alexandria
Jutta Leonhardt
Economy, Geography, and Provincial History in Later Roman Palestine
Hayim Lapin
Philo on Jewish Identity and Culture
Private Households and Public Politics in 3rd-5th Century Jewish Palestine
Alexei Sivertsev
Early Christian Authors on Samaritans and Samaritanism
The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture III
Peter Schäfer
Golden Bells and Pomegranates
Burton L Visotzky
Rabbinic Law in its Roman and Near Eastern Context
Josephus Geographicus
Yuval Shahar